Recommend Pumps:
The SUPERHOG requires a great deal of water. However we designed it to run on CHEAP pumps. Whatever pump you chose, it will need to be reduced down to 1.5″ either at the pump, or at the unit. The pump we like is below. Its specs are 9400 gph max and 42 PSI roughly. It also comes with hoses and is a full kit. Quality is fairly good for the money. Change the oil often as you will be running at 100% throttle.
If you want a HIGH QUALITY pump, then buy the Honda semi trash below.
It can also be run on a high pressure pump. This is SMART if you plan to dredge with it later on. Keep in mind that high pressure pumps require special fine screening around the intake. They hate sands and gravels. DO NOT run them without one. We like the pump below .